03 Feb Abortion Pill 101
For many women considering an abortion after finding they are faced with an unplanned pregnancy, the abortion pill may seem like the ultimate solution to their problem.
Taking the abortion pill may seem like a completely safe, quick, and easy solution to do in the privacy of their own home. But how accurate is that? Let’s take a look at some basic facts about the abortion pill.
Abortion is a serious medical procedure and women who are facing an unexpected pregnancy should be empowered with the facts and information they need to make an informed decision.
So tell me about the pill…
The abortion pill, which is also referred to as a medical abortion, is a chemical approach to ending a pregnancy. It must be taken up to 10weeks gestation. This form of abortion uses the process of consuming two pills. The combination of these two pills is to induce a miscarriage and expel the pregnancy from the uterus.
But how does the pill actually work?
The pill works in two stages. The first pill is a chemical called Mifepristone and is usually administered at an abortion clinic or doctor’s office. Since COVID-19 has made an impact on our lives, some areas have allowed receiving the pill by mail to your home. The first pill given prevents progesterone (the hormone that sustains a pregnancy) from working, thus shutting off the blood supply to the embryo, ending the pregnancy.
Once Mifepristone has completed its objective of ending the pregnancy, the next pill, Misoprostol, is consumed. The purpose of this second pill is to force contractions and expel the pregnancy from the uterus. This pill is taken at home or in the clinic 48 hours after taking the first pill.
Caution: A medical abortion occurs in the privacy of your home, as such, you may not be expecting to see the results of ending your pregnancy. For example, viewing a discernable head and limbs.
Will, there will be side effects?
Women have reported experiencing some intense abdominal pain & cramping. As well as bouts of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and residual bleeding.
Although it isn’t as common, we must mention that abortion can result in failure and needing to repeat the process, hemorrhaging, or more serious and sometimes fatal infections.
Anything I should consider before I take the abortion pill?
Now that you know about the ‘during’ and ‘after’ concerns, let’s take look at how you may need to consider before preparing to take the pill. The first thing on your list should be to confirm if you are in fact actually pregnant. While at home pregnancy tests are convenient, for this you will need to receive a lab-quality pregnancy test. You can do so at your local pregnancy center. You can call us at 240-779-1585 to schedule an appointment.
Once your pregnancy is confirmed you should then schedule a no-cost consultation, which includes an ultrasound to determine exactly how far along you are. The Ultrasound will help clarify your abortion options. Your consultation will also include limited STD testing which is important prior to scheduling an abortion.
Now what?
Well, that was a lot of information to digest and you may have a lot to think about now. We would love to go over this information with you, answer any questions you may have, and help you reach a decision that is right for you.